I feel stuck but I'm sure that it's only temporary :))

Hellouuuu my dear readers ;))
Where do I begin? What do I write? I'm enjoying this weekend and next week I'm on vacation so I look forward to write some poetry. I hope I can get inspired to write some prose. I have a bit of doubts ... but we'll see. I just have to keep going.
I really do want to make my living with poetry:
- share my poetry with the world
- inspire other people with poery
- open up a new area in poetry (poems about hearing, deafness, sign language, etc.)
- give poetry readings (here and abroad)
- meet my readers
- meet my cocreators ;)
- travel around the world and inspire and share
- write more and publish a few books
Why not? I know I do already have a job and it's going but you know, I'd love to do that but I'm also grateful for my current job except that I don't really give the impression that I am. I mean I am really lucky to have so wonderful work colleagues but somehow deep inside my heart, I am longing to have my independet live, to be my own boss, to make my dream come true BUT, I mean I am sure and I do believe that it can happen, I only hope that my work mates will understand that, if I ever happen to make it come true.

p.s. that was my hand when I was at hospital some time in March, when I had my 2nd hearing loss .. :)
I only need a few more poems until I reached the 400 mark, isn't that great?? Yeah I know it's not about quantity but I cannot help myself. I get addicted to poetry writing the more I write :)) and yes I am a prolific poetry writer!! I made it a routine to try to write every day and most of the time it works.. :) hm .. let's see. At the moment I feel stuck. I think I was working hard on writing poetry about hearing and this things that I don't feel inspired at the moment... hm... let's see if I cannot write about that, why not trying out something else, friendship? children?
by the way, I forgot to share. Remember when I told you that there was this poetry contest?? Remember? I'm not sure if I already have told you but if not I'll tell you now. I made it to the third place of the peotry contest and a poetry collection with some poems from each of the participants will come out in November!! YEAH awesome. I'm going to see some of my poems in PRINT!!! :O WOW!! I cannot believe that this is really possible and that it's going to happen. My God, I've been writing poetry for a bit more than a year. I started end of April 2009, but officially May 1st when I made it a goal for the 100 day challenge! WOW people so much has changed since then SO MUCH!!! I really love poetry and cannot imagine not to write anymore. I keep reading poetry everywhere, on the net, from poetry books, everywhere and try to write myself some. I came so far, wow I'm so speechless that I crossed my hands when I had that thought.
What is more unusual is that I've been writing in English, which is not my mother language at all but somehow I feel I can express myself better in that langauge and the English language is so rich in words that I can always find a word to express my feelings in a poem.
I love poetry!!! I also love the fact that some people already asked me for help with their poetry & non-poetry writing projects, imagine that. I don't even feel like I'm skilled *lol* that I can give them professional help but I love the fact that they want MY help or my OPINION! that's sweet and I'll do my best to help them :))) I don't really feel that I'm an expert in my field but it makes me happy! I'm just me, not much different than you! :)))
Anyway, I'll end this blog here. It's already long... sorry I had so much to write :) I might write some more tonight :) Let's see if I can get a poem tonight!
C'mon Sandra, you can do it, just believe and get inspired!!
Thanks for reading! (leave me some comments if you want and I'm sorry for any typos, .. will check it later, I don't have much time to do that right now) :)
Labels: 100 day challenge poetry writing, being stuck, creative spark, creativity, writers block, writing
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