My short biography - Poetry Pieces Of Europe Vol.1

Hello everyone!!
As promised here's a photo of my biography inside the book. I haven't taken a proper picture on that day when I got it so today I want to share this with you!
Isn't that great? :)) Were it not the "100 Day Challenge" were it not some of my friends I wouldn't be here. Maybe it was destiny, or maybe this is how life unfolded in any case I'm glad how things turned out, even if they weren't always happy. Maybe I needed to have those challenges to get these feelings out of me, maybe that is why I write them down in these poems. I don't know it but I feel blessed that I was able to share this in the poems and share these feelings and the experience.
It all somehow happened for a reason, right at the right place and time. That probably wasn't a coincidence but it maybe felt as "the right time/moment". I could have had my surgery two years ago but I didn't feel ready for it and this year I did and made a huge soaring success with my hearing. I started to hear immediately and over the course of a month my hearing improved, the sound improved a lot and I could understand slowly each day more and more. I didn't even notice how fast this has actually happened!! Too fast if you ask me :)
There are 5 poets inside the book, + myself!
There's more. The finalists including myself, will be the judge for the 2011 poetry competition :))
I'll write more soon! Hopefully still this year ;) if now let me wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011!!
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