Monday, November 1, 2010


It officially started here and I already have my word count for my first day. I am pretty K.O. right now and it's barely 11 pm and I can barely see.... This is my new motivational poster, with my own picture. I made it today and I hope you will enjoy it :)

I downloaded the program scrivener for Mac and I love it omg! I love it!!! First I was confused by the program and thought I should have tried it out before the writing challenge but it's getting better. I figured out that the software can read out your text with a male human voice and it sounds cool. I tried it out!! A version for win. will come out in a few months too :)

I'm off to bed now. Tomorrow's another day, another thousand words to write (O_o) or maybe less but still, ugh :) but don't forget to have fun! You are GOD, you can create a story, blow life into your characters, make them kill if you don't like them but I won't suggest you do it now. You need to stick with them for a while. So enjoy the creative ride!
Keep writing!



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